One of the reasons I moved away from traditional hymnody towards theologically rich modern worship was the excellent songwriting of Sovereign Grace Music. A few years ago I was blessed to lead Mark Altrogge‘s excellent modern Christmas song, “Christ the Lord is Born Today”, as originally recorded by Sovereign Grace Music.  

It’s been one of my Christmas favorites since it was released a few years back, so I was excited to finally get to introduce it.  I could spend all day fixing things but instead I’ll just let you hear it “in the raw”.  Sadly, my friend Fred McKinnon‘s dulcimer part was only recorded in the house, so it is barely audible on the recording.  Still, I hope it blesses you.  Thanks for writing wonderful, Christ-centered songs, Mark!

Though I have no video for today, I do have a quality board mix of myself leading a Sunday service with this song. In all honesty, it needs no tutorial – it’s easy to reproduce with a band of any experience level!

Christ the Lord is Born Today SSCC LIVE by SaintLewis

If you’d like to give it a try, I found a chart HERE.

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  1. Hey this sounds great, even for a “raw” mix! It’s better than we do it here! I’m honored you would do the song!

  2. Been trying to “get it passed” for 3 years now… you know how Christmas sets are – everyone’s got their “sacred cows”. Honestly, it’s probably one of my favorite Christmas songs ever – thanks for writing it!