How to Wait

HowToWaitI’m sure you’ve been there. Keenly aware that “the next” is right over the horizon, but you recognize that all of your strivings can’t make anything happen. It can turn into a place of great frustration – even bitterness – if we let it. The good news is this: you don’t have to let it!

Over the years I’ve discovered a few practical steps that have helped me maintain focus during those seasons that it would have been easy to let discouragement sink in: [Read more…]

Everybody Wins

10257811_10154107731240024_1083842353019193685_nThis Spring was the first year our oldest has played baseball.  I won’t lie, he didn’t even get on plate until the final game of the season.  Once, he ran for the ball but passed through a patch of pricklies on the way.  Having a seat in far left field, he began to pick the tiny cacti from his clothes – the ball sitting in the grass not 5 feet away – as the other team’s players continued around the bases.  You should’ve felt the rage from the stands: “WHAT IS HE DOING?!“… but he wasn’t concerned.  After the game – not oblivious but totally unconcerned with the mishap – he spread encouragement among all of the players, joyfully congratulating the other team, & doting compliments on all of his teammates.  He wasn’t concerned that they’d lost, & honestly I wasn’t too concerned either – he played his best & enjoyed it, & that was a “win” in and of itself.

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