The last estate sale I browsed through left me loaded down with a plethora of treasures.
Among the treasures were some old yellowed books, books that served us well with Easter projects on a whim.
My oldest tore the pages in small strips and placed them in a bowl of water.
I was going to complete the next steps, much to my surprise I couldn’t handle the wet paper and cover the egg too well.
The five year old proved better at managing the wet paper than mama.
He might have given me three- step instructions and I might have followed.
We covered fourteen eggs with wet, torn paper and then when egg was covered we painted deceopauge glaze over the egg.
I placed one more paper strip and then stamped a word or phrase.
When they were dry, we glued sisal string and then hung them outisde.
The final step involved spraying with clear laquer.
The kids had their egg hunt and then hid these eggs for the adults to find. I think all the adults enjoyed finding an inspirational egg and having something to take home. Next year I will surely make these in batches.
I felt the usual guilt when Easter approached and I had spent more time preparing baskets and outfits than talking about the real story.A trip to Books a Million brought home a great read that fully details the story in a a picture book.
Daddy read, boys asked questions, mama asked questions, Daddy explained. Then joy happened as I watched my babies understand their maker.More joy errupted when I heard the oldest singing a song covering all of the Easter events, including an explosion sound representing Jesus Ressurrection.
We had a little modeling session Saturday afternoon, I’ve learned a few things in my six years of mothering, a few good lessons.By way of error I now take photos before Holiday events or dinners, especially Easter when the outfits are covered in chocolate before one can say camera.
Our Easter photo shoot was less than perfect, since Tucker happened to have a big ‘ole shiner on his face. A superhero act landed him head first out of our 1800 clawfoot tub earlier in the week. A head scratcher for sure, I do try to roll with the punches around here. What’s that saying that is everywhere right now? Stay Calm and Carry On. That’s the goal. You never know what’s around the corner with two wild, fully alive boys. They are FULLY. ALIVE.
And cute as a button. Trust me the next day these pretty suits were COVERED in chocolate. Oxy clean is my best friend. Again, I try to roll with the punches.
Hope your Easter was special and filled with the knowledge of our Lord and Savior who came to bring us life. I was reminded during a Maundy Thursday service just how much I need his redemption and his precious Grace to live day by day.